Let’s have some fun and start a viral #PetCostumeParade! Share a pic of your fur-friend in costume using the hashtag: #PetCostumeParade. Read, set, go!
Tag: Halloween
Costume Parade

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone!!
Did you know that nearly 15% of American pet owners dress up their pets for Halloween? Brad and I are happy to be part of that population – check out our Superpups!
Roxy loves her costume..
We dressed the pups up last year as turtles! It was really hard to keep the headpiece on.. but worth every penny for the picture! Heroes in a half shell!
Always make sure your pet is safe in the costume you dress it in, and always supervise them while wearing it (and supervise them around that big bowl of chocolate candy for the trick-or-treaters!). The ASPCA website offers some great tips on Costume Tips for your Furry Friends.
Do you dress up your golden? Please share photos on our i heart golden retrievers Facebook Fan Page!
Here are some fun photos I found online of other Goldens in costume:
I think Halloween is Quincey & Roxy’s favorite holiday.. they love doorbells and children – so a great combination!
Wednesday Friendsday

Today on Wednesday Friendsay we have Ben & Tanner – the Pahl’s family pups!
Ben (with the white face) is eight years old, and Tanner is four. As you can see, they are the best of friends and are wonderful with children! It doesn’t get much better than adorable photo of a little child cuddling with a Golden. Enjoy the photos of this dynamic duo!