Nala Tussing is today’s Wednesday Friendsday pup – isn’t she beautiful?? Nala is one lucky pup, not only does she get to live in Napa Valley, but she has the world’s most amazing mommy! I met Karen (aka “KT”) when working for E&J Gallo Winery, we had so much together at the Louis M. Martini tasting room in St. Helena. I am so blessed to have her in my life, she is such a beautiful person inside and out!I miss her dearly, but it’s great to keep in touch now over our love of golden retrievers (and animals in general)!
Nala is quite tech-saavy, she even has her own facebook account! I find myself stalking her page quite frequently, because she has the cutest pictures and hilarious wall posts. Quincey also checks out her pics quite a bit (they have been in a long-distance relationship for over a year now!). Quincey snagged a good one, Nala is one beautiful pup. He loves his girlfriend ๐