
Wednesday Friendsday

Meet Riley Hammerle – today’s Wednesday Friendsday pup! Riley’s proud owners are Katie and Brian Hemmerle. Isn’t he such happy pup? I love the spot on his tongue!

Riley’s absolute favorite toy is a tennis ball. He’ll play fetch for hours on end! His favorite trick is to slide down the hallway tile to catch it. Since Riley is an Arizona pup, he also LOVES to swim. So, you can just imagine how much fun he has when he gets to play with his favorite toy (the tennis ball) in his favorite place (the pool!). He really likes to blow bubbles under the water. Riley has gotten so good at the tennis ball that his dad, Brian, recently introduced him to the frisbee. Riley can catch the frisbee mid-air just about every time! Riley, you sure are a talented pooch – that’s tricky to do!

I love this shot of Riley as a little puppy. Don’t you wish they could stay this little forever?

Katie’s parents actually got a puppy (a boy named Keegan) from the same litter that Riley came from. I love that – such a fun way for a pup to grow up with a sibling. However, these pups don’t see eye to eye when it comes to college athletics. Riley is a die hard Wildcat fan, and loves to root for the University of Arizona. After all, Riley’s parents are UofA Alumni. (Sidenote: Katie is my Chi-O sister!). On the other hand, Keegan is an Oregon Ducks fan and roots for the U of O. Come football and basketball games, both dogs sport their favorite teams’ bandana. Who will be the champ this season? Sorry Keegan, but I’m with Riley – BEARDOWN ARIZONA! 🙂

Katie & Brian, thank you for sharing your photos and all of the fun facts about Riley. What a beautiful family you all make together! I look forward to keeping in touch over our love for all things golden.


Dog Tags with Pizaaz

Today when Roxy did her morning routine of jumping into bed to say hello, we noticed her dog tag had fallen off her collar. Rather than going to the pet store to get another one, I thought I’d do a little shopping on Etsy to see what else was out there.. and I’m SO happy I did. I stumbled across the fun shop BowWowzerZ – HILARIOUS dog tags. Such a fun way to express your pets personality. Here are some of my favorites:

We got Quincey this one:
And Roxy this one (with her name on the front):


Doggie Massage

My friend Claire Perkins started a blog called Perk Daily that has become my new obsession. Today I just had to share her posting on how to massage your dog. I tried it out on Quincey – he loooooooved it! I’ve never seen him drool so much! Everyone go check out her site and give your pup a rub.



Wednesday Friendsday

Today I’m featuring Roxy’s parents for Wednesday Friendsday! Hard to believe that it’s already been a year since we brought Roxy home for the first time – she has grown up so fast! When puppy shopping, Brad and I knew Roxy was ours because we also fell in love her her parents – they were both so sweet and well mannered. Who do you think Roxy looks more like – her mom or dad?

Roxy's Mama
Roxy's Daddy



Road trippin’ with your pup – Do’s and Don’ts

The dogs get SO excited when they get to go for a car ride. All I have to do is jiggle the keys – and they get up and run to the door. Recently, we took them on a longer than usual road trip where they were in the car for over 9 hours. We could tell that Roxy got a little uneasy having to sit in the car for so long. Of course we made several stops for potty and water breaks – we didn’t want her getting dehydrated. She does love to stick her head out the window every now and then to get some fresh air – and take in the views 🙂

In Arizona, we have to be exceptionally careful when traveling with our pets in the summertime.Today it reached 117 degrees here in Phoenix! Here are some tips that Brad and I learned from our road trip across the desert we thought we’d share.

1. Have PLENTY of water stocked in your cooler. Make sure your pup has access to a bowl of water at least every 30 minutes. You’ll be amazed at how much they will want to drink. Roxy and Quincey downed a full bottle just about every time we offered it to them.

2. Be prepared to make several more stops than usual. We kept our eye on the dogs, and stopped when we could tell they were getting anxious – probably once ever 1.5 hours. When stopped, find a place that is cool and in the shade – be careful of hot asphalt as it will burn their paws.

3. Throw their collar or a bandana in the cooler with the ice water for a while, then put it around their neck to help cool them down.

4. Never leave your dogs alone in the car, even if the windows are rolled down. When traveling and are in unfamiliar areas, you never know what will spook your pup or make it jump out of the car. Also, rolling the windows down does very little to cool the car. Always have the air conditioning on, and someone in the car with them.

5. Avoid feeding them too much food or snacks along the way. Stick to chew toys and water. Some dogs do get carsick -so be careful!

6. In Golden Retriever fashion, you can also expect your car to be filled with dog hair during your trip. The stress and heat when traveling will cause them to shed more than usual. There are a lot of fancy car seat coverings you can buy – but we’ve found that a fitted bed sheet works like a charm. Tuck it into the seats really good so it stays tight. It washes very easily, too.

7. Our dogs are very good about sitting in the back seat, they never distract me when driving. However, if your dog does not stay in place, it would be wise to harness them to the seatbelt so you can drive safely.

Do you have any other tips for car rides? We’d love to hear them! Safe travels everyone!


Junk In The Trunk – Update

Wanted to post an update to my “Junk In The Trunk” post from a few weeks ago (explaining Quincey’s recent weight gain of 10 pounds!). Well, we reduced his food by a quarter cup a day, and swapped his usual treats for carrots and green beans – and I’m happy to report Quincey dropped 6 pounds!! Way to go Quincey boy!

Once the weather cools down, we’re going to up his exercise quite a bit. Hopefully he can lose those pesky additional 4 lbs!

What tricks do you have to help your pet lose weight?


Wednesday Friendsday

Happy Wednesday Friendsay everyone! Today’s pup is Miley Halland – isn’t she a blonde beauty?

Miley was born September 25, 2009 so she is still just a pup. Her awesome mama is my friend Jen Halland. Like us, Jen loves to travel with her Golden. She recently took her to Dog Beach in San Diego – looks like Miley had a great time! I love this one of her enjoying the sunset on a lifeguard tower.

Adorable surfer pup! Love her big smile.

When she’s not at the beach, Miley also loves to swim in swimming pools!

Her favorite toy is her squeaky chicken (although it’s not Jen’s favorite because it’s so loud!). She also loves all of her KONG Wubba friends!

I’m convinced Miley is our Roxy’s long lost cousin – they look so similar! Maybe one day they can go for a swim together 🙂 Thanks for sharing your story and photos Jen – we love Miley!


Shopping online for k9s

Today I was searching the internet trying to find the perfect gift to give to a client. Like me, she LOVES her dog so I knew a gift for her pup would be great! Since we are both in the wine industry, I was curious what sort of wine related doggy gifts/toys were available. I stumbled upon a cute pet site at and found this adorable wine cork collar. She is going to love this!

I’m so happy I found this site – they have tons of other cute products. Collars and harnesses with holiday themes, fun animal prints, even your favorite sports team. Now that football season is here I might have to order some for our pups!

They also have some really funny toys – the “iPaw” is my personal favorite 🙂

What are your favorite pet sites to shop at? Please share!



Wednesday Friendsday

Today on Wednesday Friendsay we have Ben & Tanner – the Pahl’s family pups!

Ben (with the white face) is eight years old, and Tanner is four. As you can see, they are the best of friends and are wonderful with children! It doesn’t get much better than adorable photo of a little child cuddling with a Golden. Enjoy the photos of this dynamic duo!


tech-savvy pups

It’s been forever since my last post! I sincerely apologize, I have been absolutely slammed at work. Tonight I’m blogging from Colorado where I’m working this week. I miss my little family so much! Thank goodness technology lets me video chat with them (via iChat) every night.

The dogs get pretty confused when they see me up on the computer screen. Roxy’s ears perk up and she just stares at the computer – it’s so cute. I wonder what goes through their little puppy dog heads when they see crazy things like this? I wonder what the technology world holds for pets in the future..